Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Introduction to Aperture Science Yo-Yos

Alright, we've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade - make life take the lemons back! Get mad! We don't want your damn lemons, what are we supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager. Make life rue the day it thought it could give Aperture Science 2.008 lemons. Do you know who we are? We're the people who're gonna burn your house down! With the lemons. We're going to go invent a combustible yo-yo made out of lemons that burns your house down!

You're probably wondering how science is done. Well, I'll tell you.
It all starts in a magical world called Cambridge. Young children are taught the basics of manufacturing. They will then grow up and march to Aperture Science and perform one task, and then they'll die. We're on the watch all day to make sure these tasks get lined up in the correct order for maximizing Quality, Cost, Rate and Flexibility so that we can then pump out what ever the hell the result is to you, our valued customer.

*Do we really have to call them our valued customers?  We don't value them. If it wasn't for their grades we'd say to hell with these sons of b-*

-Paid for by the Aperture Science Yo-Yo Development Foundation Organization-

Aperture Science Yo-Yo Development Foundation Organization:

From Left to Right:

Dario Yazdi
Annie LaBine
Brian Alvarez
Kyle Bowman
Ben Niewood
Kabir Abiose
Cameron Wagar